

All content published on Label Me Luxxe is a reflection of my own personal opinion. All opinions stated are 100 percent honest. I will NEVER provide anything less than my honest opinion to my readers. All products have been bought with my own money unless otherwise stated.

Affiliate Linking:
Some links are affiliate links; I do receive a small percentage of profit whenever you click on them. As of October 3rd, 2015, any post that contains affiliate links will be labeled with an asterisk before the category. Example *FOTD instead of FOTD.

Featured Products & Sponsorships:
Label me Luxxe features some products that have been received for review. This will not sway my opinion ever. I only share with my readers that I personally love and recommend.

Majority of the images seen on Label Me Luxxe are owned by me unless otherwise stated. Any images found on Label Me Luxxe should not be republished without direct permission from me. If you would like to use any of my images, please send me an email by clicking here and put in the subject line "IMAGE USE".

Label me Luxxe uses cookies (and not the kind you eat). To learn more see our Privacy Policy here.

*Please keep in mind that I am not a professional Makeup Artist, Dermatologist or the like. I am just sharing with you what I have found to work for ME through personal experience. Hopefully the information and recommendations provided on Label Me Luxxe is beneficial to all, but I can not guarantee that a product or method will provide the same results for each individual. I do however, research as much as possible before providing my readers with any information; my goal is to provide as much accurate information as possible.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above statements, please feel free to contact me at

*Updated January 26th, 2016

Disclaimer Disclaimer Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Rating: 5

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