Back at It
It's finally time! Welcome to the new Label Me Luxxe. To celebrate my one year blog anniversary I wanted to completely change the design, have a defined content focus and just rebrand (and of course get on a rigorous posting schedule). So much in my life has change in 2015 (some for the bad but majority of the changes were for the better), but one of the many things I feel like that has kept me grounded is this blog (yay for hobbies). When I first started out, I advertised Label Me Luxxe as a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog, but as time went on, I realized that yes, I do love fashion (shoes are still one of my ultimate weaknesses), but makeup and beauty just excites me so much more and I feel like I have plenty of ideas to share and blab on about. So now, Label Me Luxxe is a beauty and lifestyle blog.
Quick Overview on What's New:
Even though there is a clear design change (can you just tell how much I love pink), there are a few new features:

vs a product that may have, lets say a 3/5
Most Importantly, I Need Your Help:
I could go on and on about how important each of you reading this is are to me, because well I do it for you! I would like to know what type of content you would like to see more/less of so I'd love it if you would fill out this form, because I value your opinion (and just in case you've never been here before, start here and see what Label Me Luxxe is all about & still feel free to fill out the form).
Last, but not least, I can't thank you all enough for the continued support, whether its from visiting here consistently or every so often, commenting, or interacting with me on social media! Never in a million years would I have imagined that people from across the globe would care about what I have to say on my tiny space of the internet. The journey thus far has been so very exciting and I can't wait to see what else the future holds for Label Me Luxxe.

Quick Overview on What's New:
Even though there is a clear design change (can you just tell how much I love pink), there are a few new features:
- Categories: As mentioned above, I've gotten rid of the fashion category and decided to stick with just beauty & lifestyle topics, but each category now has more "subcategories", if you will, than before (for more detail on each category, visit here). I think it's true what they say; all change isn't necessarily bad change.
- The Luxxe List : One word, shopping! I've decided to redesign the Luxxe List to make it a bit more organized because it was driving me nuts that nothing was categorized.
- Newsletter: Previously, I had no type of newsletter or way for you to get notified of any new posts besides Bloglovin' (face palm, but with mistakes come knowledge, right?) but now I do! Subscribe here (just a secret, giveaways are coming soon so make sure you're on the list!)
- New Posting Schedule: Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. I know, I know; from four times a week down to three. To be completely honest (because this is what this blog promotes), I felt like my content wasn't of the quality I was happy with because of the constant rushing to put out four posts a week; Three times a week seems to be the more plausible of the two. As always, if I'm not posting here 9 times out of 10 I'm here:

- Rating System: I've decided to implement a rating scale on Label Me Luxxe. Any product I review will get a rating out of 5. For example: if I believe the product is a 5/5 at the bottom you'll see:

vs a product that may have, lets say a 3/5
I could go on and on about how important each of you reading this is are to me, because well I do it for you! I would like to know what type of content you would like to see more/less of so I'd love it if you would fill out this form, because I value your opinion (and just in case you've never been here before, start here and see what Label Me Luxxe is all about & still feel free to fill out the form).
Last, but not least, I can't thank you all enough for the continued support, whether its from visiting here consistently or every so often, commenting, or interacting with me on social media! Never in a million years would I have imagined that people from across the globe would care about what I have to say on my tiny space of the internet. The journey thus far has been so very exciting and I can't wait to see what else the future holds for Label Me Luxxe.
Back at It
Reviewed by Unknown
Monday, February 01, 2016

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